Friday, April 29, 2011

Today's Question

Since most of us are in the Midwest, Abroad, or on an island, literally, here is fun one.  My good friend Ben once told me he met a girl that the plane between the Los Angeles and New York was a vast wasteland, where, I paraphrase, dreams go to die.  Despite her ignorance, it got me thinking, which was my favorite.  So, which is your favorite coastal metropolis, New York or Los Angeles?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today's Question

Do you have the intestinal fortitude to quit what you know and go learn a trade?  Do you think that you could do that or does risk aversion have a hold on you? Defend your answer.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Today's Question

Since everyone seems to like, or at least know, John Carpenter's Magnum Opus Big Trouble in Little China, and oh yes, do not delude yourself, it is his Opus, my question centers around it's cast.  Are you a proponent of David Lo Pan or are you an Egg Shen person?  Please provide support.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Today's Question

Thinking about how terrible my job can be is a total waste of time. As Bertrand Russell stated, "A great many worries can be diminished by realizing the unimportance of the matter which is causing anxiety," meaning, in my case, that the god damned, crap job will be there will be there until it isn't and I don't really much care when that is until it so happens that I don't have to go do it any longer.  Hopefully that happens soonish, but I'll just likely replace this steamer with another, so I'll just be happy doing the things that I enjoy and ignore the idiots with whom I work until I replace them with others.  So, the direction I am headed with this question is as follows...What do you enjoy doing when making a paycheck isn't getting in the way, OR, if you are one of the ever-diminishing few that does what you love, what do you do to make money that you truly enjoy?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Today's Question

In honor of Earth Day, what could you do to be 'greener,' and why don't you?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today's Question

It may be obvious to tell by the question that my bosses are incompetent, two-faced, passive-aggressive, and are doomed to fail, however, they have not yet and so this question results.  What makes a good boss?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Today's Question

If you won $3,000,000, would you continue to work at your present job?  Would you find a new job?  Would you just quit it all and become a philanthropist with yourself being the charity?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Today's Question

My apologies for not posting on Saturday or Yesterday.  The celebration of the impending birth of a friend's child, a visitation from a New Orleanian Zombie, Serbian Burek, Gravy appetizers, and a Prince Rama psychedelic freak out all met in a strangely nuanced choreography to upend any plans for civilized discourse or even the quick dispensation of internet questions.  Nevertheless, I have a three part question for today.  Or rather, a top three, rather than three parts.  You awake this morning in the White House in the Presidential Quarters.  There is no Congress and you have the opportunity to unilaterally impose three sweeping changes to the United States with impunity.  Your power is supreme in both its potential for benevolence as much as its depths of cruelty.  What are your three implementations?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Today's Question

If you did not have to eat to sustain your body, would you still do it?  Meaning, do you derive pleasure from food or treat it as a chore of refueling, which technically it is?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

today's Question

Since I was out and about, Pantha Du Prince show, I can technically ask today's question.  What is your biggest regret? Think hard about this and don't divulge anything too painful, but mine, in the whole vein of not too painful, is that I wish that I knew more about sports, for the whole trivia thing.  I love my family and such, and, I do whatever pops into my mind, so nothing too nasty, but that is my biggest regret thus far.  Many more friendships could have been cultivated, and many more quiz show questions could have been answered.  So there!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Today's Questions

Salutations.  Due to yesterday's overwhelming response, I have an equally ludicrous question for today.  The choice is yours, as I realized that not everyone is as in love with the inestimably righteous John Carpenter.  What is your favorite John Carpenter film of all time? Or, for those not as learned in the minutiae of his filmography, and for my own personal joy, what is your favorite romantic comedy?  Be forewarned.  I know that many of you have seen Carpenter films ( Halloween, Escapes From New York and L.A., Big Trouble In Little China, The Thing, the list goes on and on).  If you opt a romantic comedy in lieu of a Carpenter film and I KNOW that you have seen a Carpenter film, brace yourself for ridicule.  Seriously.  Rock it out.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today's Question

I was the only person that answered yesterday's question, but have no worries.  I was almost too busy to answer myself. (Ha, ha. Get it?  Answer myself!)  Anyway.  What is your favorite guilty pleasure song that you don't really tell anyone? 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Today's Question

Paper, Plastic, or Reusable?  Don't Lie or I will shame you, if you have any shame!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Today's Question

This is an area of great contention.  This issue has destroyed families, broken homes.  Toiler paper roll over or under?  Have a warm and fun Sunday.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Today's Question

Thanks to everyone who has been answering.  Today, we have a topic I enjoy very much, and that is travel.  So, if you could go anywhere you would like for one month, where would you go, all expenses paid?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Today's Question

All, I totally missed yesterday.  I was hand numbering record inserts and the day just got away from me.  Anyway, since I missed yesterday, here is a two part question.  If you could have any superpower, what would it be?  Note, this is an often asked question but rarely receives a well thought answer, so be very creative.  Also, after choosing your power, what would you use it for? 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Today's Question

For some much needed levity.  What do you prefer on your pizza, cheese only, pepperoni, or bacon?  You may only choose one, your favorite.  Defend your position.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Today's Question

Today's question, which I've narrowed a bit, comes from Maui Mike.  Since I haven't much time today and since the question was good.  The question has its foundation in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (which some people, NOT POLITICIANS, still abide by, and believe in).  The relevant part reads "The amendment prohibits the making of any law ...infringing on the freedom of speech..."  So, if you can predict that the consequences of your "free speech" will lead to violence and the death of innocents, should you be held responsible? [examples: Burning a Koran, murdering cartoonists that portray Muhammad in a perceived negative light, writing literature or speaking on a television program with the intent of incitement]

Go nuts!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Today's Question

Yesterday was a bit too busy for a question, so today's is two parts...Would you rather give up television or your car? If you gave up your car, how would you get around, and if you gave up your television, how would you fill that new found time?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Today's Question Saturday, April 2, 2011

This question should be fairly simple.  Do you all want to answer weekend questions? Simple enough, right?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

First, an administrative order.  I suspect that without additional input or response from the moderator of such a group, the experiment is incomplete, although only just mildly so.  Therefore, I will try and add a response to as many questions as I can.  I will try and do this on the weekends, unless I am gifted with an abundance of time, in which case I will respond as quickly as possible.  Thanks for participating.  Now for today's entry.

I went back and forth on which question to post today.  After much deliberation, conscious and dream sub/con/un-conscious alike, here it is...What is your earliest memory and why do you think that your mind has chosen that particular memory as your first recollection? As always, respond and support.